The New Normal – Being Open During COVID

As the world slowly opens back up and people start to go out in public a little more, it’s important to recognize and learn about the idea of a “New Normal.” Or at the very least, a for now, normal. As businesses, it isn’t prudent to simply just pop our doors back open and let in all our patrons the way it used to be. In the absence of a vaccine, that exposes staff and other patrons to a great deal of risk of exposure for SARS-CoV2. We certainly don’t want to do that.

Patrons enjoying the patio on a beautiful day.

So, we’ll have to ease back into things, we’ve made a strong effort to put together new procedures for staff and a couple of simple requests of our guests. The main goal of them is to do everything we can to ensure safety and attempt to limit the spread of SARS-CoV2, but still provide a welcoming dining experience.

The more that we, as society, are around one another, the more important it is to be aware of distancing, and simple protection measures, like wearing a mask. We’ll be exposed to more people every day, and that will increase the risk that one of those people may have SARS-CoV2 and might unknowingly spread it. I hope that we’re all aware that any one of us could be carrying it without knowing it, and might spread it without knowing it. More and more information is coming out daily about surfaces, masks, and how it is spread, but one thing is clear – we at Rockhound are going to err on the side of caution, which is why we sanitize all major touch surfaces, such as counters, door handles and bathrooms, every two hours. We’ll deliver your food wearing gloves; and we’ll take extra care in sanitizing tables and chairs when guests leave. We will also require all of our staff to wear masks as droplets from breathing, talking, etc, is showing to be the number one way to spread SARS-CoV2. We will also require customers to wear masks, when possible. We’ll provide one, if a guest has forgotten theirs.

At Rockhound, all we will ask is that our patrons be patient and understanding of the procedures put in place, as well as our mask policy, as they are for everyone’s protection. These are odd times and the most important thing is that we are good to each other, including being aware of each other’s health and safety.


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